David axelrod & john mccain cnn interview

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    David axelrod & john mccain cnn interview

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  • Republican Senator John McCain's widow, Cindy McCain, said if her husband were alive, "he'd be railing against what's going on" regarding some recent GOP moves.

    In a clip from an upcoming episode of CNN's The Axe Files, McCain told host David Axelrod what she believes her late husband's reaction to the current state of the Republican Party and the United States would be.

    "I think John would be terribly upset by this whole thing.

    He was upset before he died," she said.

    The senator's wife told Axelrod, a former strategist for President Barack Obama, that her husband "would be disgusted with some of the stuff that's going on" amid the presidency of Donald Trump.

    "John provided a lot of cover for other members [of the Senate]," she said, "and when he would do it, they could get behind that kind of thing."

    She also said that the Senate now lacks a "rudder" to lead, as her husband previously did.

    At the end of the clip, McCain reiterated: "I wish he were here, but we need h