Autobiography of kim jong il funeral giant
Kim jong il funeral lincoln...
Autobiography of kim jong il funeral giant
How North Korea created an 8ft giant soldier... or did they?
Well, he certainly stands out from the crowd.
Towering beside his fellow soldiers in the driving snow this member of the North Korean armed forces seems to be twice their size.
However, eagle-eyed observers of how the country's media covered Kim Jong Il's funeral believe what we are in fact really seeing is a spot of Photoshopping.
The seemingly doctored photograph of the soldier, who appears to be well over 8ft tall, shows him in the back row of one block of mourners.
The image was captured as the funeral procession passed near the Kumsusan Memorial Palace in the capital Pyongyang.
Standing out from the crowd: Speculation is mounting as to whether this image of Kim Jong Il's funeral has been doctored to show a giant soldier
Real or fake?
Official news agency KCNA took the photo, and the giant soldier appears to be shown from several different angles
Official news agency KCNA took the